I made a new thing!!

I have a load of chunky yarn in green and off-white that my dad got for me from Aldi (What can I say, he knows my favourite colours) and then I found a pattern that is basically an abstract of snakes curled together… et voila!

This link will take you to the ravelry project page for this item

I still have it doing the drying in the right shape thing *Googles ‘make knitting dry in the right shape’ desperately* blocking, but it’s getting there.

Inktober Day 2: “Worst Fear”

(Originally reblogged on tumblr 4 Oct 2018 13:54)

Inktober day 2: “Worst Fear”

I know canonically Snape’s boggart takes the form of Lord Voldemort, but I personally like to imagine that his boggart is… himself.

As a young man, perhaps his worst fear would be seeing himself stuck forever in a place that holds unpleasant memories for him–Hogwarts. Never able to fulfill his potential and doomed to remain powerless, forever the victim.

Later, I think his worst fear might be of the darkness within himself that led him to join the Death Eaters and inadvertently mark for death the only person who’d ever shown him kindness in a cruel world. One mistake in his youth continued to have consequences for the rest of his life and ultimately destroyed everything good in his life.

Tragically, both situations became Severus’ reality.

[link] to the alternative Inktober prompt list I’m following for 2018


Ok but I didn’t know that his biggest fear is supposed to be voldemort.


He betrayed voldemort then went back and lied to him stone cold calm at 21 years old. He didn’t hesitate to go back and spy again. He didn’t run away.

And that was his worst fear?


Because that means he faced the very real prospect of his worst fear every single day of his life. It means he died facing it and you aren’t allowed to make me idolize this character any more than I already do.

Better his death be an escape, it hurts less.

So, No. Nope. Nooope! Nu-uh!

He was a master occlumens. You can’t tell me that a boggart, a simple magical creature, could see past that.

I think he wanted it to think voldemort was his worst fear. Maybe it was easier to let himself believe that than look around and see that he was living his own personal hell.

Because if his life as it ended up was his worst fear that would make him a hero, and Severus was nothing if not adverse to his bravery being common knowledge. He’d have much preferred to be remembered as someone with a childish fear of voldemort.

Also what does it say about Lupin’s opinion of Harry that he assumed Snape and Harry have the same boggart?

Also think about the light this sheds on Neville; if his boggart was voldemort then if anyone knew what it was to have to face your worst fear every day and stay calm it was Severus.

Does it suddenly make sense that Severus realised that he was uniquely placed to save this boy from himself by making damn sure he could face the worst of his worst fear and keep coming back for more? Did it kill him a little every time he realised that there was a kid more afraid of him than of voldemort?

Did it terrify him how much of an easy target for voldemort that made this pureblood, powerful, young man? How easily the boy might bend to voldemort will and take half the sacred 28 with him if he did?

Did he decide that it was worth this kid growing up hating him if it made him strong enough to pick up the fight?

Was he quietly proud when he got reports of Longbottom arguing with the Carrows and organising a resistance right under the nose of the man who he had been terrified of less than four years before?

Did it give him hope that he might one day be able to openly oppose his own worst fear?

Did he die knowing that there was a kid out there who would carry the legacy of being strong enough to face his fear for the greater good if he had to, because of what he did? Because of what he chose to do and the sacrifice he chose to make.

Did he die vindicated that his fear was real and justified? When the alternative is that his worst fear was to carry on living. Either way he was a hero. He gave everything and sacrificed everything and faced his worse fear on a daily basis.

No his boggart can’t have been voldemort, or himself, my heart couldn’t take it.

Coconut Oil


On Sundays, when Da was down at the local pub, Severus’ Ma would steer him into the living room and sit him down in front of her as she took a seat on her favourite threadbare armchair. On the armrest beside her would be a small bowl of coconut oil, which she would dip her fingers in and then massage gently onto his scalp. It was their Sunday routine.

“But Ma,” Severus would whine on some days, “it makes my hair greasy and the other kids on the playground make fun of me.”

“Hush now, Severus” Ma would say in her gentle voice, “it’s good for you.”

Severus had once asked her what was so bloody good about having a glop of coconut oil slathered onto his scalp—it was clearly a fire hazard. Ma had speared him with one of her sharp looks from those coal black eyes at his language, and then she had proceeded to list all the benefits of coconut oil and the home remedies it could be used in. She had gone on and on for more than ten minutes and Severus had almost cried tears of boredom. He daren’t question Ma about it again.

“And don’t you mind what those muggle kids say,” Ma always said muggle in a tone that indicated she found them lacking. Severus didn’t understand, because Da was a muggle and Ma said she loved him.

Severus had a hard time believing Ma and Da loved each other, but he never asked about that because then Ma would get a sad look in her eyes. Ma was sad more often than not these days and Severus didn’t want to make her even sadder.

Sundays were special in that it was the day Severus saw his Ma smile the most because she was the happiest when it was just him and Ma at home. She would sit him down as he was now, and tell him tales of her younger days.

“You know, Severus,” she would say, “When I was your age, my Ma would sit me down just like this to massage oil into my hair.”

“Really?” he would look up and ask. He knew very little about his Ma’s parents and loved hearing every little detail about them. He had once asked Ma if her parents were dead, she had said no and then refused to answer any more questions. Severus wondered why they never visited if they were alive. Didn’t they want to meet him?

“And I used to complain even more than you do.”

“Did your Ma try to bore you to tears with facts about coconut oil too?” the cheek earned him a smack on the back of his head, but it had his Ma smiling.

“Oh yes,” she said, “but I didn’t appreciate her wisdom until much later when I started working with potions. It did wonders to keep my hair from being damaged.” Severus loved it when Ma spoke about potions with him. Da didn’t allow Ma to do magic at home, but when Ma was speaking about potions, the air around them seemed to tingle with magic.

“How do potions damage your hair?” He asked

“It’s the fumes, most aren’t too harmful, but the damage adds up over time. So, if you plan on pursuing a career in potions-making you should get used to having oil in your hair. That is if you wish to have a head full of hair past the age of fifty.”

Severus groaned, “Maybe I’ll just be ministry worker instead.”

Ma snorted, “In that case, you’ll be bald by the age of thirty after working with that lot of dunderheads.”

“Never mind then, I’m going to have to find another job.” Severus frowned, the other kids in the neighborhood were dunderheads too and he definitely didn’t want to be around dunderheads like them when he grew up.

“You know, Severus, a well-established potions master wouldn’t have to answer to any dunderheads.” For a Slytherin, Ma wasn’t being very subtle.

“Oh alright then,” he sighed dramatically “tell me more about this potions-making business.“

So, Ma did and Severus listened, riveted.

Coconut oil in the hair… god the memories!


s e v e r u s


s e v e r u s
s n a p e


glare-y smol-Snep

Bujo Frontpage and Jan Monthly Spread… I’m quite proud of my glare-y smol-Snep in the corner reminding me not to let the winter blues get me down.